The Coastal Trail Collective is officially launched!
After years of building, months of chatting, and hundreds of hours of website design, we’re are so, so so excited to officially launch the Coastal Trail Collective.
After long days of hard work in the cold, pouring rain, while sitting in the smoky wall-tent trying to dry off, we’d often talk into the night about why we were building the trails. We’d often debate for hours on end about the reasons behind our work, and if our trail building stopped with hitting the nail, or if our work needed to continue with advocacy back in the city. In all our debates, one idea in particular kept coming up; we needed to have a better way of telling people about our work then just hoping people would run into us on the trail mid-december.
Well, after a long time developing and refining our thoughts, we are proud to present to the world the Coastal Trail Collective.
I won’t say too much here about what this website is all about. Go check it out for yourselves :-). I will say that this will be your best source for CTC news, trail updates, maps, and trail condition reports. We also want this platform to be the first step towards being more inclusive. We want to bring you on one of our trail building trips and we hope this website will get your stoke on!!!!
See you all soon!