From important advocacy work on the provincial and national level, to crucial direct action protests, these groups have been instrumental in protecting our ancient forests.  We encourage you to give them your support.


the Friends of Carmanah Walbran

The Friends of Carmanah Walbran (FoCW) is a legendary volunteer group that has been actively advocating for the protection of the Walbran Valley for over 30 years.   From the important protests during the war in the woods of the early 1990’s, to the development of trails, boardwalks and camping infrastructure, the FoCW has been working tirelessly to make the Walbran our next provincial park.

The Coastal Trail Collective works in tandem with the Friend’s of Carmanah Walbran to help accomplish the FoCW’s vision in the Walbran.  The CTC continues to receive invaluable support from the FoCW through hardware, knowledge, and guidance.


The WIlderness Committee

One of Canada’s most important advocacy groups, the Wilderness Committee has been speaking up for our environment since 1980.  With over 60 000 supporters, volunteers and activists, the Wilderness Committee is one of Canada’s strongest conservation groups.

The Wilderness Committee’s been very successful keeping the issues of over logging in local and national news.  They have organized many rallies, petitions and events to help bring awareness to the general public about British Columbia’s unsustainable forestry practices.

To us, the WC stands out from other advocacy groups because of their flagship trail building trips to the Walbran.  These trips introduce many people to the plight and beauty of the valley, while bringing much needed labour to help complete ambitious trail projects.  The volunteers the WC has brought to the valley have given blood (not much), sweat (tons), and tears (of joy) to the cause of protecting our old growth forests.


Other NGO’s

The Ancient Forest Alliance: Since 2010, the Ancient Forest Alliance has been campaigning to save the last of our big trees on Vancouver Island. The AFA has brought awareness to the recent logging around Port Renfrew and the Nahmint Valley and has given people around the world a window into BC’s ancient forests with TJ Watt’s stunning photography.

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The Sierra Club BC: The Sierra Club BC is an independent branch of the Sierra Club, one of the worlds first and largest environmental groups. The Sierra Club BC has been an integral part in establishing Clayoquot Sound as a UNESCO World Biosphere Reserve, legislating protection for the Great Bear Rainforest, and defeating many proposed mining projects in sensitive coastal ecosystems.

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